Magnesium for a calm Brain

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Child's Brain Health


Optimize brain health

You might have heard of magnesium before, but did you know it's actually pretty important for kids' brain health? Studies have shown that kids with certain brain disorders, like ADHD and autism, might have lower levels of magnesium in their blood compared to other kids. But here's the good news: supplementing with magnesium can help these kiddos out!

First off, magnesium can help improve attention and focus. It helps regulate neurotransmitters in the brain that are key for paying attention and being able to focus. In fact, one study showed that kids with ADHD who took a daily dose of magnesium for six months had major improvements in attention, focus, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. That's pretty cool, right?

Magnesium also helps in the development and maintenance of brain cells, as well as the formation of myelin (the protective sheath around nerve cells) which helps with communication between nerve cells. 

Another big benefit is that magnesium can help regulate mood and behaviour. Kids with autism and other behavioural disorders often have magnesium deficiencies, and supplementing with magnesium has been revealed to improve mood and behaviour in these children. Plus, it can help improve sleep as it promotes relaxation and calmness, which can help kids with brain disorders fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer love for example Magnesium glycinate has evidenced effectiveness in managing Insomnia, Stress and Anxiety.

Magnesium also plays a role in the body's immune system and is important for strong bones, energy metabolism, and the proper functioning of muscles and the cardiovascular system. It also helps regulate the release of stress hormones and can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress in kids and adults. So, it's not just good for the brain; it's good for the whole body!

But, it's important to note that while all these benefits sound pretty great, you should definitely talk to a paediatrician or healthcare professional before giving your child any supplements. They'll be able to tell you if it's the right move for your child and what the best dosage is. It's always preferable to be safe than sorry!

All in all, magnesium is a pretty important mineral that does a lot for our bodies, including our brains. Kids with certain brain disorders may have lower levels of magnesium in their blood but supplementing with magnesium can help improve attention and focus, mood and behaviour, sleep, and overall health and well-being. Just make sure to talk to a professional before giving your child any supplements. Trust us; it's worth it!


Food Sources of Magnesium 

Magnesium is found mostly in plants (especially seeds, nuts,

wholegrains, legumes and dark green leafy vegetables).

Key food sources: Per 100g:

Green leaves, e.g. Swiss chard, spinach 86mg

Nuts & seeds, e.g. pumpkin seeds, flax 535mg

Beans, e.g. soybeans, haricot, pinto 86mg

Whole grains, e.g. amaranth, buckwheat 266mg

Cacao powder 599mg


Because Magnesium serves many body functions and is a cofactor in over 300 enzymatic reactions you will note that it will be the most prescribed in clinical practice,

However, it is important to note that therapeutic doses of magnesium supplements should only be given under the guidance of a  healthcare professional.



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