Brain fatigue could it be Iron deficiency ?

autism symptoms autism treatment causes of autism dopamine motivation speech and language

Many kids do not need Iron, but those that do can benefit greatly from it, as deficiency can profoundly affect brain function.

Children with Autism and ADHD, more so in the vulnerable stages of life, i.e. when the girls start their periods  (menstrual blood loss) and the of rapid growth (e.g. teenagers), can be at risk of having iron deficiency due to limited diet, eating processed nutrient-deficient foods and digestive issues.

Some of the signs and  Symptoms 

Fatigue on exertion, weakness, headaches, apathy, breathlessness, and poor resistance to cold temperatures.

Pallor, nail spooning or nail biting, hair loss, tachycardia. 

Impaired speech., not being motivated, poor focus and concentration. 

While deficiency is easily corrected, It is wise that we assess why there is a deficiency in the first place and address the cause. 

Iron toxicity is a risk for millions because there is no physiological mechanism for iron excretion.(Never attempt supplementation without testing and professional support) 

If the body does not need iron, it is carried out when the intestinal cells are shed and excreted in the faeces (happens every 3 days). This is why it is important to have a healthy gut function. Excess Iron will cause oxidative damage and drive inflammation, and Iron is a bacterial growth factor and can cause increased infection rates.

Studies have shown that iron supplements can make a big difference in the cognitive and behavioural function of children with autism and ADHD.

  • Iron is needed for neurotransmitter synthesis as it is a cofactor of tyrosine hydroxylase (converts the amino acid tyrosine to dopamine), critical for cognition, learning, and immune support.
  • Iron is necessary for the development and function of the brain. It helps form myelin, a protein that covers nerve fibres and helps transmit signals more efficiently.
  • Iron not only improves cognitive and behavioural function, but it also helps strengthen the immune system of kids with autism and ADHD. It supports the synthesis of white blood cells, which help fight off infections and diseases. 

There are two forms of iron;

  1. Haem iron is found in animal protein, especially red meat. This is the form that is the most readily absorbed by the body.
  2. Non-haem iron is found in vegetables, grains, pulses, nuts and seeds, but this form of iron is not easily absorbed if consumed alone. 

To optimise Iron levels

Eliminate junk food (nutrient-depleted, highly processed foods).

People who consume little or no red meat may be at increased risk of iron deficiency. Therefore, unless it's for religious or cultural reasons, consider incorporating meat and fish  in your child's diet.

Encourage your child to have more dark green vegetables, beans, and whole grains

Eat high vitamin C vegetables with meals (peppers, cruciferous, kiwis, oranges, lemon) to promote iron absorption.

Avoid giving your child black tea and dairy products at meal times as calcium decreases Iron absorption.

Vitamin C – can improve the bioavailability of non-haem iron by 60% (so a squeeze of lemon juice Iin vegetables might be enough! )

Food source: per 100g:

Grains: quinoa, amaranth, rye, oats 9.25mg

Legumes: soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, kidney 5.14mg

Vegetables: spinach, swiss chard, rocket 2.71mg

Nuts & Seeds: pumpkin, sesame, cashew, flax 14.97mg

Meat & Fish: clams, calf’s liver, oysters, prawns, sardines, salmon 27.96mg


** Side note ** Zinc, Copper and Calcium tend to decrease Iron absorption. Therefore when you are supplementing these, give them away from food.

In conclusion, iron plays a crucial role in the cognitive and behavioural development of children with autism and ADHD. A balanced diet with iron-rich foods, addressing digestive issues, and regular blood tests can significantly support the overall health and well-being of children with autism and ADHD. 


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