The Ultimate On-Line Guide To Re-writing Your Child's Story. 





Raising a child with Autism should not be a nightmare. I am here to make it easier.


This program helps families to address symptoms associated with autism!

  1. Poor Cognition
  2. Speech and Language
  3. Social Interaction
  4. Digestive issues
  5. Poor Eye contact
  6. Sleep issues
  7. Irritability
  8. Self -injury
  9. Hyperactivity
  10. OCD
  11. Aggression meltdowns
  12. Eczema
  13. Lack of awareness
  14. Poor focus and attention
  15. Learning difficulties
  16. Picky eaters

Tried traditional therapies with limited success? They often overlook the holistic approach. 


With so much false information on the internet and so many people claiming to be able to change your circumstances and help your child, taking more than a few people for a ride, I want you to know that you're in good hands. I genuinely care about your child's health. Beyond my professional expertise, I want you to know that I'm here as a friend and ally.

I am Natsayi Dunira, a holistic registered naturopathic nutritionist with a special interest in brain nutrition. I also have years of experience working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. With a passion for holistic health and a deep understanding of nutrition and its impact on neurodevelopment, I am dedicated to empowering families to make informed choices for their children's health, look beyond the spectrum and maximize their children's potential.



Join our tried and tested online program with real results!

Reduce or eliminate problem behaviors

  • Improve your child’s emotional awareness and regulation.
  • Improve your child's relationship with food, reducing the tendency to be picky eaters.
  • Improve your child’s social interaction skills.
  • Improve your child’s communication skills.
  • Reduce or eliminate food allergies.
  • Reduce or eliminate sensory issues.
  • Improve gut function and promote elimination.


Week-one | Assessing

  1. You will learn what Autism is and how it is expressed metabolically.
  2. Understand the drivers and triggers of the behaviours associated with Autism.
  3. Learn about the eight genes commonly expressed among children with Autism and how to support them.
  4. You will learn how to assess timelines and developmental milestones and how to support areas your child may have missed.
  5. Learn to assess your child's behaviours and what they may be indicating.
  6. You will learn the tools you need to support your brain function to help you execute the goals for your child.
  7. You will learn to fine-tune your lifestyle and assemble a team to support and promote healing.
  8. You will be inspired by hearing and listening to Case Study One and the testimonial.

Week- two | Setting up a healing environment 

  1. You will use downloadable tools to evaluate your environment and make the required changes.
  2. You will learn how to create and maintain an environment that promotes healing and supports your child to thrive. 
  3. You will learn how to set up your kitchen to implement the healing diet successfully.
  4. You will learn how to read food labels and make informed choices at the grocery store.
  5. You will learn how to assess and remove the environment's toxins and chemicals that worsen the symptoms associated with Autism, including removing the eight major food allergens.
  6. You will be inspired by hearing and listening to Case Study Two and the testimonial.

Week-Three | Setting the foundation

  1. You will learn the Cs that govern healthy eating. 
  2. You will learn how to use tools to assess your child's macronutrient and micronutrient intake and observe for tolerance.
  3. You will learn how to assess and choose the proper diet for your child based on tolerance.
  4. You will Implement strategies for overcoming common obstacles to healthy eating, address picky eating, and increase nutritious food intake.
  5. You will learn how to create a balanced meal plan for your child's unique needs.
  6. You will be inspired by hearing and listening to Case Study Three and the testimonial.

Week-Four | Supplementation

  1. You will learn how the brain works.
  2. You will learn when and how to supplement safely.
  3. You will learn about the co-factors and how to assess the need for specific supplements to personalise your child's plan.
  4. You will learn how to reduce and address possible neuroinflammation and regulate neurotransmitters.
  5. You will learn about the essential supplements that support brain function, improving focus, concentration, and speech.
  6. You will have your first 15-minute call to help you navigate your path.
  7. You will be inspired by hearing and listening to Case Study Four and the testimonial.

Week-5 | neuroplasticity

  1. You will learn the daily activities that support your child's engagement and bonding to promote well-being and reduce anxiety.
  2. You will learn to use cutting-edge complementary tools to enhance focus, improve memory, promote speech, and improve communication.
  3. You will learn how to support brain chemistry to support neuroplasticity long-term potentiation, helping your child retain the learned skills.
  4. You will be inspired by hearing and listening to Case Study Five and the testimonial.

Week-six | Fine-Tune

  1. Reassess your child and celebrate the gains.
  2. Fine-tune your child's programme to optimise results.
  3. Learn about the key laboratory tests you may require for your child.
  4. Learn how to order the tests and get support to order them.
  5. You will be supported in requesting lab tests from your general doctor or family physician to assess your child's baseline.
  6. Book your 15-minute catch-up call once your results are back.

All The Tools You Need To Successfully unlock your child's potential!


Click & Watch__Natsayi Outlines What You Can Expect In The Deep-Dive Program.


Total cost  £1150





Ultimate Support


Top features

  • Videos you can watch at your own pace.
  • Personalized nutrition & diet questionnaires and assessments
  • Handouts, food lists, meal ideas, checklists, cheat sheets & more!
  • Ultimate safe supplementation ebook
  • Sugar is not a treat, the hidden sugars ebook.
  • The Ultimate Picky Eaters Guide
  • Supplement discount codes
  • Complementary tool discount Codes
  • Two 15-minute catch-up calls with Natsayi.
  •  20% discount on your follow-up consultation
  • Support to order key laboratory tests if you are in the approved countries. e.g. UK
  • Monthly Zoom meetings for six months - key topics: Interpreting the lab results, Understanding detoxification, Neuroplasticity presentations, and Q&A with  Natsayi


  • You are grounded, equipped and empowered to support your child.
  • You are less confused and worried about your child's condition.
  • All the questions that mean the most to you, would have been answered.
  • You will feel supported and less alone.
  • You will be able to go on and be yourself again without being overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown.
I am ready ,sign me in.
The journey of raising a special child is indeed a marathon and not a sprint! we recently relocated back to united kingdom and due to our new environment and other factors, the progress we seems to have made with our boys over the years seems to have dampened. our boy went from sleeping through the night to crying through the night and we could not figure out what was causing his pain, he become overly hyperactive during the day as well, not concentrating on simple task , having more tantrums and this greatly affected our work productivity as working parents.
 my husband and i had our reservations as we seems to have done it all with limited progress. I decided to give it a go and fulfil my curiosity. So far! I can boldly say it has been a game changer both for our boy and our family, Our Golden boy is gradually emerging; he is sleeping through the night, hyperactivity down to the bare minimum, greatly improved concentration in tasks and learning. while the process has been painstaking with plenty of sacrifices, it has been worth it and just seeing our boy do things he previously does not do has been so rewarding.
I am more optimistic than ever to keep pushing for our Golden boy to fulfill his potentials. Jane UK MUM


Thank you for sharing your wisdom with so much love and compassion. Yes, I am one of the mums who never thought there was a way out.So, we did not start immediately with the plan, but we did remove many of the foods you said we should remove. The first three weeks were very difficult as Alan is a big boy and is very strong, but his dad and I chose to persevere, and the results were amazing: aggression disappeared, and there was no more screaming or pacing up and down. We have tried medication and biomedical before, and nothing worked because we were not really consistent, and, as you said, we did not have the proper foundation. You are an amazing soul Natsi; our family is so grateful. Karen MUM  UK


I am overwhelmed with joy, Natsi. You have changed my son's life. I don't know how to testify because you fed me with knowledge, and my family is gradually becoming free from bondage. I am two weeks into the GPS diet, and the results are amazing. My son used to wake up at 430 am daily. A neighbour told me my son used to wake her up with noise, but the story has changed. The boy now sits for over 20 minutes without getting up to scatter things at home. The bowel movement is superb. God has used you to change our  story, and I will keep testifying. Those who laughed at me will surely laugh with me. Theo mum in  Cameron

" The fee was not an issue as we could easily spend it at McDonald's. It was the thought of how I would implement it; We had never done anything that required effort. I was so used to being disappointed, so the bit of it not working was an issue, as we had tried a few things which did not work. But I always give it my all. To my surprise, it worked. Once we assessed and removed the triggers, the difference was like day and night. My son is happier and less anxious. I can only say thank you. Loyi mum UK

"We noticed a huge change in sleep and behaviour after six weeks. With the Planned diet, our lovely son has improved; he is more focused and no longer fixated on routines. He is so calm, and his speech is much improved. I can never thank you enough."  Anne mum UK

"We were initially sceptical as we had been told this was what Autism is, and there was nothing we could do. If we are lucky, our son will grow out of it. Unfortunately, our son's condition grew worse. It took exhaustion and us being in a crisis( not sleeping for as long as we could remember) to make the call. My son's sleep issues were affecting the whole family. I was tired and contemplated putting our son in a residential home."  Mel mum Nigeria 

We have seen many practitioners over the years for my son; getting on this program made so much sense as to why we had not seen gains before, as not many emphasized the diet. Within three months, we saw some amazing gains; one that stood out was constipation disappeared as this was his most significant issue. My son is doing well and is now in a school where he Is thriving. We remain on the diet and a few supplements to support him.                                                              

SW- Canada

My son was 5 when we started; we did not know what autism was and what was the reason my son was making the noises he was making. We implemented the diet, which was very difficult for us. But Natsayi encouraged us to stay on the diet as a family. We are so happy we did; our whole family is doing well. My son has started talking. Because of our limited finances, we cannot do much, but what we are doing is giving us good results, he is sleeping well, plays with other children and he is no longer constipated.

JS- South Africa


My daughter now eats a wide range of foods and even eats breakfast. She has not injured herself and has not had any episodes of rage since we started. We are not perfect with the diet, but we have seen amazing results. The spray is also helping her manage school stress Gina UK

"My son is 14 and was overweight, and we have worked with a few a specialist, including a dietician, to try and help him reduce his weight; his shoulders and joints were painful, so he could not exercise. I joined this programme after observing one of the boys at my son's school; his mother was lovely. She told me what she was doing and recommended Natsayi. Her approach was very intensive. I must admit I was initially overwhelmed, but once we got the hang of it, there was no going back. The protocol involved minimal exercises as my son couldn't do them initially due to painful joints; he has now healed, lost a total of 8 kgs in less than three months, and his shoulder and Joints are no longer painful. His mood is amazing, and he has now been discharged from two clinics he was known to for more than two years. Dawn Mum UK 

"I just want to thank Natsayi on behalf of our family; we did not see how this was possible; my son was tolerating only three foods, and traditional therapies( ABA ) to try and expand his diet had failed. Immediately after the initial consultation, I knew my son would heal when you said his behaviour had nothing to do with food. He can now eat 15 food items and take his supplements" Thank you once again. Nancy Mum -UK  

"My 9-year-old daughter lost 12 ATEC points in less than two months; she was very aggressive and hyperactive. Life at home was unbearable.  I am not anxious anymore as I don't have to overthink anything. Thank you, and bless " UE - Scotland