acceptance autism autism symptoms causes of autism
Help Your Child Live an Healthier Life.

ACCTS uses an evidenced-based holistic naturopathic approach to maximise your child's potential. Focusing heavily on the five pillars of healing love and acceptance

1. Love and acceptance: 

ACCTS believes the battle needs to be won first in the parent's mind  Getting the right mindset and attitude will minimise the risk of emotional trauma and motivate the child to engage without fear, alleviating anxiety.

2. Nutrition: 

“Let food be thy medicine"- Hippocrates.

While we aim not to have a one size fits all approach. All our clients will need a personalised nutritional plan which will improve the body's nutritional status through food and supplementation, heal and seal their gut lining which will in turn reduce food allergies and intolerances and Improve absorption of nutrients.

3. Detoxification:

Dr Judy, a Harvard professor, puts it this way," The genetics loaded the gun, and the environment pulled the trigger. "We cannot change our genetic make-up but defiantly can do something about the environment. Most of the children with neurological conditions have impaired detoxification systems and will require support to detoxify safely. The most toxic and harmful being the heavy metals like Lead, Mercury, Aluminium, Arsenic and others.

4. Exercise and Play:

 Brain plasticity -it is not about the number of neurons but how they communicate with each other. Stimulating the neurons allows for better brain function. There is no better way of stimulating a child's neurons than through play and targeted healing exercises that are fun and engaging.

5. Sleep:

Sleep regulates hormones as well as many chemical processes in the body. A comprehensive sleep hygiene programme is essential to promote healing and learning.



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