How important is vitamin B12 in children with Autism and ADHD

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Are you worried about your kid's brain health? You should check if they are getting enough Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is important for maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system. Studies demonstrate that Vitamin B12 supplements can positively affect symptoms associated with autism and ADHD.

Kids with ASD and ADHD often have limited diets and may miss out on this important nutrient. Research has shown that children with ASD and ADHD often have lower Vitamin B12 in their blood. That's not good because a deficiency in B12 can mess up their brain health and cause memory loss and mood disorders affecting their communication and social skills.

However, there's good news! Several studies have found that supplementing with Vitamin B12 can improve cognitive abilities, including attention, memory, and executive function in kids with ASD and ADHD. Plus, it can improve behavioural symptoms like hyperactivity, impulsivity, social withdrawal, and speech. Some children said their first words when B12 was supplemented.

But how does Vitamin B12 do all of that? Vitamin B12 helps make red blood cells, supports nerve cell function, and helps produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine that regulate mood and behaviour. It maintains the myelin sheath that protects nerve fibres for efficient communication between brain cells, and it's essential for DNA replication that reduces the effects.

Vegan B12 Food Sources:

  • Chlorella pyrenoidosa (e.g. 9g per day)
  • A substantial amount (133.8 μg/100 g) of vitamin B12 has also been found in dried Korean purple laver (Porphyra sp.)
  • Nutritional yeast, nori and kombu sea vegetables (nori, kombu, kelp and dulse), shiitake & Lions mane mushrooms

Animal B12 Food Sources:

  • Meat,
  • liver,
  • organic eggs,
  • fish (esp. sardines, mackerel and wild salmon).

 However, kids with ASD and ADHD are often picky eaters and have a number of digestive issues that must be addressed first for them to absorb Vitamin B12 from their diet. Dietary vitamin B12 is bound to a protein called R-protein, which is dependent upon the presence of pepsin and stomach acid, and we have enough evidence that the majority of children have insufficient pepsin and stomach acid, possibly due to poor gastric and pancreatic function or damage to the ileum where vitamin B12-intrinsic factor complex is absorbed into the blood.

So, if you're a parent of a child with ASD or ADHD, ensure they get enough Vitamin B12 through their diet or consider a supplement. Speak with your child's healthcare provider about the potential benefits of Vitamin B12 supplementation and the best way to incorporate this essential nutrient into your child's diet.


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