The Naturopathic Approach to Autism

Learn the strategies that will bring healing to your child without hurting.  


1 in 36 children in the US were identified with ASD as of 2023



You Can Rewrite You Child's Story

Learn the formula that many have used to heal their children and change their outcome

Who Can Benefit From This Training? 

If your child with Autism is showing the following symptoms:

  •  Hyperactivity
  • Obsessive-compulsive behaviour
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Self-injury
  • Stimming excessively and Hand flapping
  • Food allergies
  • Insomnia /Trouble sleeping
  • Poor focus 
  • Has mood swings and irritable
  • Sensory Processing 
  • Food sensitivity
  • Bloating, constipation and diarrhoea, not able to digest their food
  • Picky eater



  • You will learn how to assess triggers and drivers/mediators causing problematic behaviours and how to eliminate them.
  • Week by week, you will be guided to introduce healing foods for your child.
  • You will learn how to choose and supplement safely—eliminating guesswork and serving your money.
  • You will receive clear guidance on adopting a healing lifestyle and creating a sustainable culture that supports healing.
  • By the end of six weeks, you will have actively participated in rewriting your child's story in a practical, effective and sustainable way. You will be unstoppable and undefeated. 
  • You will be reconnected with your child as a well-equipped, grounded mother.


Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In this training, you will learn how to heal your child, and you’ll learn how to take control of your Child's future.


In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Finally, have a clear road map to heal your child 
  • Finally have healed your child's problematic behaviours. 
  • Finally, sleeping at night as you will have no anxiety about your child's health 

The right strategic moves can make all the difference. We'll help you rewrite your child's story 


Unlock your child's potential 

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What's Included In This Course ...


Understanding the drivers and triggers of Autism


In this course, you will learn,

  • The Gut and Brain connection.
  • What foods affect brain function 
  • How nutritional deficiencies could be affecting the brain function 
  • The effect of lifestyle on the brain function 
  • You’ll finish this course knowing what is possibly causing the problematic behaviours your child is having.

The Healing Diet 

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. – Hippocrates. In this lesson, you’ll learn the following:

  • How food affects the Brain Function 
  • How to use food for a therapeutic effect 
  • How to practice mindful eating  to promote healing 

You’ll finish this course knowing how to nourish your child and use food therapeutically to enhance health.



The life Style That Heals 

The secret to a healthy life is adopting a healthy lifestyle. In this lesson, you’ll learn the following:

  • How to create and maintain an environment that promotes healing and a sense of safety 
  • The three lifestyle changes required to move your child from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic mode 
  • The best way to increase  serotonin availability in the brain, producing a sense of calmness without harmful drugs

You’ll finish this lesson with renewed hope for your child's future




You will learn how to supplement safely to 

  • Regulate levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine neurotransmitters that direct the flow of information in the brain.
  • Limit the production of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter
  • Protect and strengthen the blood-brain barrier , Improving blood flow to the brain and reduce brain inflammation

You’ll finish this course with a clear vision for your child and a road map to get there.


This Training  Is For You If you are worried about your child with Autism

By the end of this course...

  • You are grounded, equipped and empowered to support your child.
  • You aren’t overwhelmed with your child's condition 
  • You are no longer confused and worried about their future
  • You can now go on and be yourself again without being overwhelmed with fear of the unknown

A Holistic Registered Naturopathic Nutritionist with a particular interest in Brain Nutrition. I have extensive experience managing Autism and ADHD; my journey of healing my son from severe Autism has shaped my beliefs and my experience. I believe life is the best teacher.

Before treatment, he had an ATEC of 154, classed as severe. He was vacant, hypersensitive to sound and touch, and could not tolerate wearing shoes or showers. He accepted minimal foods and slept only two hours at a time but could climb, jump and stim all day. Once the triggers and drivers were identified and managed, he was comfortable and started to thrive again. Today, he has an ATEC score of 16. I can now sleep at night and wake up ready to help heal many other children who may be suffering. 

I believe in a world of possibilities, and my mission is to maximise potential and change outcomes one child at a time. 

Here is what some of my clients say


" The fee was not an issue as we could easily spend it in Mcdonald's. It was the thought of how I would implement it; We had never done anything that required effort. I was so used to being disappointed, so the bit of it not working was an issue, as we had tried a few things which did not work. But I always give it my all. To my surprise, it worked. Once we assessed and removed the triggers, the difference was like day and night. My son is happier and less anxious. I can only say thank you. LW UK

"We noticed a huge change in sleep and behaviour after six weeks. With the Planned diet, our lovely son has improved; he is more focused and no longer fixated on routines. He is so calm, and his speech is much improved. I can never thank you enough" UK Mum AG

"We were initially sceptical as we had been told this was what Autism is, and there was nothing we could do. If we are lucky, our son will grow out of it. Unfortunately, our son's condition grew worse. It took exhaustion and us being in a crisis( not sleeping for as long as we could remember) to make the call. My son's sleep issues were affecting the whole family. I was tired and contemplated putting our son in a residential home." Nigeria's  GM


Having a child with Autism does not need to be a nightmare, and there is no need to rob a bank to bring healing to them. Your child deserves to feel healthy, happy, and alive! let me show you how to achieve this.

We have been so successful over the last few years, and we want you to have this opportunity, Do not miss this offer.

What else will I be getting

  •  RITUALS Daily Habits guide
  • Six weeks therapeutic  dietary plan
  • The one-month meal plan you can implement from today
  • Heal through play guide plan 
  • Safe supplementation guide
  • Bye Bye toxins Guide on How to Limit Exposure to Environmental Toxins in Every Aspect of Your Life 
  • Approved Brands - not all brands are created equal, but here are our trusted brands for
  • Where is the sugar guide 
  • Daily breathing  exercises 



Your Child's Brain Health Is Everything!

You need a credible, qualified, coherent voice to guide you. Don't leave it to guesswork.

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