All The Tools You Need To Help You Re-write your child's story

We pride ourselves on creating Personalised Therapeutic Nutritional Plans for children with Autism and ADHD. We strongly believe when you see one child with Autism, you have seen one child with Autism.






My name is Natsayi Dunira, and I am the founder of ACCTS. I am a Registered Holistic Naturopathic Nutritionist and GAPS practitioner. I am passionate about helping children with Autism or ADHD transform their health to reach their highest potential.

Modern life continually pushes our children's vitality to its limits, slowly taking away the sparkle in their eyes. This has resulted in a sharp increase in children with Autism and ADHD struggling with or experiencing distressing symptoms like aggression, poor focus, poor concentration, hyperactivity, picky eaters, self-injury, anxiety, sensory issues, food sensitivity, poor sleep and many more.

The dark side of Autism is that the majority of comorbidities are overlooked under the disguise of autism . While we do not diagnose or treat disease, we have seen how holistically supporting the body has helped resolve problematic behaviours like aggression, hyperactivity, poor sleep, sensory issues, head banging and many other distressing symptoms. 

As a nutritionist, I believe in the power of nutrition to bring the body back to health. With neuroplasticity on our side, we also have an added advantage to supporting children with Autism and ADHD, as the brain has the ability to learn and develop when it's supported. 

 I studied Naturopathic Nutrition, Advanced Music therapy, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Sensory Enrichment Therapy, Naturopathic studies, and Safe & Sound Protocol, all aimed at optimising brain function for children with Autism and ADHD.

Having a child with Autism does not have to be a nightmare, and you don't have to be on a battlefield all the time. All you need are three key elements. The right strategy, consistency and discipline, fueled with love. I hope I will have an opportunity to share these skills with you so you can rewrite your child's story and yours too,  






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No commitment what so ever! Try today and see if it’s right for you. 



Our holistic approach aims to support you in making life-changing decisions and take inspired action to maximise your child's potential. 


  • You will have a clear road map
  • Have better clarity 
  • Feel empowered to support your child successfully 
  • Feel grounded and centred on being a  parent, not a therapist.
  • Save you thousands of money 
  • Save you and your family time which is so precious 
  • Help you maximise your child's brain development so they do not lose the window of opportunity to develop and live a healthy, happy life.
  • Reduce your child's  problem behaviours
  • Improve your child’s emotional awareness and regulation
  • Improve your child's relationship with food, reducing the tendency to be picky eaters.
  • Improve your child’s social interactions skills
  • Improve your child’s communication skills
  • Reduce  food allergies 
  • Reduce sensory issues 



Book a consult here today


Within five months on this journey.My son has been discharged from to clinics 

He no longer wears special shoes to ease pain in his feet .

He has had zero episodes of aggression.


My son held my face and looked me in the eyes as if he had never seen me before. I honestly heard him say mama; I'm sure I heard him. My prayer is this is the breakthrough we needed. I am in tears. May Allah bless you. We are honoured to have met you, Natsayi.


My daughter now eats a wide range of foods and even eats breakfast.

She has not injured her self and has not had any episode of rage since we started.

we are not perfect with the diet but we have seen amazing results so far.The spray is also helping her manage schools stress

Get in touch!


Phone: 07584897173


Mail:[email protected]

Who can we help? 

Autism complementary treatments and services aim to support children that have a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD and are experiencing distressing symptoms like aggression, hyperactivity, picky eaters, self-injury, anxiety, sensory issues, food sensitivity and many more.  

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